A Brief Introduction to the Primitive Baptist Church

Friendship Primitive Baptist Church

Ringgold, Georgia

The Name Primitive Baptist: The name ‘Primitive Baptist’ is not meant to imply that we are uncivilized. So what does the name mean? 'Primitive' can be defined as pertaining to an original state. The pattern for worship and the Church was originally set in scripture, and we endeavor to follow that pattern. We certainly have contemporary amenities and enjoy modern living; however, we believe that ‘Primitive’ Christianity can best be demonstrated through the simple worship style, the message of salvation by grace alone, and the earnest desire to glorify God in every action--all in accordance with God's word. ‘Baptist’ simply means following the scriptural example of full immersion baptism for believers--thus the name "Primitive Baptist."

Worship:  The focus of worship should always be Christ. It is often difficult to stay Christ-centered in the modern day "multiple activity" worship setting. The beauty of the Primitive Baptist New Testament Church is found in the simplicity of its worship service: congregational singing, prayer, and Biblical preaching. Singing is without music ( "a cappella" meaning "as in church") and expresses joy from the heart flowing outward with the voice (Rom 15:9, I Cor 14:15, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16, Heb 2:12, James 5:13). Worship and the expression of love towards God should be done without any segregation of age or gender. Family integrated worship is a blessing that can help unify families in our divided culture. Everyone together takes a part in family worship.

Salvation: We believe that salvation is not an act of human choice. Jesus did not come to make us savable or to offer salvation dependent on the fickle will of man. The message of the gospel is the good news that Christ accomplished redemption and salvation for his chosen people. It Is Finished! That was the victory cry of Christ on the cross, declaring His success in saving His people from their sins. No sin can separate God's children from their Saviour! By dying for their sins, Christ secured eternal life for all that the Father had given Him. For God's chosen family salvation isn't merely an option, but is a secure reality!

Doctrine:  Our beliefs are known as the Doctrines of Grace, the five main points of which are discussed below.

1. Total Depravity is a result of Adam’s disobedience, the breaking of God’s commandment, in disobeying God in eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. As a result of this original sin, the entire human race became dead in trespasses and sin (Eph. 2:1-5). All humanity, being Adam’s posterity, died because of Adam’s sin (Romans 5:12-21). The human race is incapable of recovering from this fallen state by their own free will or ability (Job 25:4-6). Man in this fallen state has no desire nor ability to come to God. His very heart is wicked, and his mind is at enmity against God (Genesis 6:5, Genesis 8:21, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Isaiah 64:6, Matthew 19:17, Romans 3:10-18, Romans 3:23, Colossians 2:13). Therefore, a person cannot in any way understand or believe the gospel until he is first given life (born again), and that new birth is given by God.

2. Unconditional Election is God's unmerited favor in choosing and saving his family. Election and predestination are completely and solely by God’s sovereign free grace. Therefore, being by grace, it cannot be by any work or action of man (Romans 11:6). God’s electing grace was purposed and first implemented before any child of God did any good or evil (Romans 9:11). Before the world began, God chose his people in Christ and predestined them to be heirs of eternal glory. The doctrine of election declares that it is God that chose us, and it is not we that chose him (John 15:16). The doctrine of election emphasizes the sovereignty of God in salvation; thereby giving God the complete glory for the salvation of his children, without any credit or glory going to man. (Romans 8:28-34, I Peter 1:2-4, Ephesians 1:3-6).

3. Particular redemption testifies that Jesus did not die for everyone. Particular redemption, also known as limited atonement, is the Bible teaching that Christ died for a certain specific people (God's elect) and not for all men in general. The term 'limited atonement' does not mean that Christ's sacrifice was limited in its sufficiency or ability. Instead, it means God’s electing grace was limited to a particular people out of the race of Adam. Romans 9:13 confirms that God does not love everyone; "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." Jesus himself said, "I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me." (John 17:9) Paul continued in Romans 9 to declare that God is certainly righteous in his action of having mercy on his elect and leaving the wicked to their own punishment (Romans 9:14-24). The words “limited” or “particular” do not mean that we believe only a small number of people are among the elect. Revelation 5:9 declares that God has a people out “of all nations, and kindred, and people, and tongues.” God's people are described as “a great multitude, which no man could number” (Revelation 7:9). Throughout the Bible, the family of God is described as many or a great multitude (Romans 5:19, 8:29, Hebrews 9:28). The elect are as innumerable as the stars in the sky, dust of the earth, and sand on the seashore (Genesis 13:16, 22:17, Hebrews 11:12). Some may ask, "What about those who desire salvation but are not of the elect?" The answer is simple, none desire or seek after God unless they are first born again children of God (Romans 3:11) and as such are among the chosen.

4. Irresistible grace, also known as the effectual call, has many other biblical names, such as regeneration, new birth, quickening and washing. Irresistible grace simply means that all for whom Christ died will be born of the Spirit sometime between conception and death. The elect are totally depraved and cannot act or believe in order to be born again; therefore eternal life is imparted to the dead alien sinner by the sovereign will of God alone, without the aid or instrumentality of men. In other words, irresistible grace is accomplished without any human efforts or means. The elect sinner is born again only by the quickening of the Holy Spirit and life giving power of the voice of the Son of God, Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3, John 5:25, 1 Peter 1:23).

5. Preservation, also known as the eternal security of God’s children, teaches that God's children cannot lose their eternal life (Romans 8:38-39). Though a child of God may fall away from fellowship with God, God knows all that are His (2 Timothy 2:19). God never abandons one of his elect (1 John 3:9). The saints are kept by his power, in Christ, to be raised again on the last day (John 6:44, 1 Peter 1:5). We have great peace in knowing that our eternal security is in the hands of our sovereign God (John 10:27-29). Our goal now as redeemed individuals and as a church, is to be living sacrifices and follow Jesus Christ. We wish to be fully submissive to the Lord, both the New Testament pattern of worship and in our lives. We endeavor to serve Christ through actively serving one another. God has redeemed us from all iniquity. Therefore, we are his workmanship and have been redeemed and created to bring forth good works for his honor and glory.

Your Invitation: If you desire a life lived according to "the simplicity that is in Christ" (2 Cor 11:3) and worship that is "in Spirit and in truth" (John 4:24), we welcome you to worship with us and enjoy the good news of what God has done for you! If you are frustrated by a man-centered Gospel that places burdens upon you that you cannot bear, this is your invitation to worship according to the message of salvation by God's sovereign grace through Christ Jesus our Lord. We believe you will find joy and peace in both the sincere message of the finished work of Christ and the simplicity of Primitive Baptist worship. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price (Isaiah 55:1).

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